Yesterday, you should have been a fly on the wall, Bruce. In the auditorium of Nordby High School. You would have performed a backflip, at least a wings-up. We spoke in front of all the talented youth of Nordby about “Breivoll Experience”, every seat was taken. And youths that were presenting the project was just AMAZINGLY good. Just to see them standing there, talking about the long and winding road with that youthful pride… That touched me, deeply.
The youth that were with us last Easter, to start this project, did not receive much credit by their fellow classmates. The fact is that the wind blew against them, from all directions – but they did not quit. That takes some guts, I’ll tell you that. This year is going to be different. First of all we will make sure that everyone that want to be a part of this can participate. Last year only a handful were given the chance. That might be the reason that so many turned their back against them. Second, we will try to tell the story, so everybody knows what this is about. It’s kind of easier when having something to show for. Last year it was a vision of what this could become. Now it has turned into a panting with clear vibrant colors that everyone can relate to.
That was why we visited the high school, to give them that painting. But just not only the painting, we wanted to give them THE FEEL of how it was to paint it. Because it is THAT feel that drives this project ahead. The feeling of NOT quitting, even though everybody tells you what you’re doing is stupid. The feeling of making a difference, makes you strong, and make your legs keep walking – up the steepest hills. The feeling. From the very bottom of your soul, that gives you a guiding light, and air beneath your wings. I think we made it. With 30 new youths signing up for the project, to build, create and develop “Breivoll Experience 2012”. 30 new youths saying that they want to make this happen. As of now, we are 40 youths aged 13-17 is with the project. And on Monday we can get even more, as we missed 80 of the pupils in yesterday’s meeting.
But that is now, I promised you then. Still I believe that it is good that you get a glimpse of today, even though the past is what we do, here. Professional writers make this happen easily, the switch between now and then, without the reader thinking about it to much. But I am no writer. And not a professional. So you will have to do with what I give you. God knows if you are interested at all, but I will not let me thinks such thoughts at all. Before I open the door, and let you into my childhood, I want to point out that it is important that you get to know me. From scratch. Probably you will get to know me, more than I will ever know you. But I have concluded the deal already, so that’s fine with me.
So, for me not to be a completely stranger from the other side of planet earth, I will let you in. Not in a weird way, it will get personal, but not to private. Is it possible to be personal but not private? The core of myself is essential either way, the question is how much core? People in this world is good at appearance and “outside finish”, so to show strangers a little bit of inside-substance is not what we do every day – but maybe society had been a more generous place if we showed each other who we really are? Ok, enough digression for you – but I feel it is important to tell you why I am giving you some of my story. It is actually necessary to do this, to make you understand so that you will not reject this as a wild and impulsive idea. Wild maybe, I’ll give you that, but this has been thought thru, because you have been on the way here for a long, long time. Most of all I’m afraid that you will categorize me, and put me in one of the following three categories:
A: She’s just a nutcase. (There is some of those around, so I don’t blame you).
B: She’s a wannabe-groupie-superfan with no inhibitions. (Like so many other wannabe-groupie-superfans with no inhibitions).
C: A combination of the two above. (I must admit, that that would not be really flattering).
In your eyes, I can probably be an A, B or C anyway (God forbid)… I have my money on the D alternative, and if we can get there, I’ll have a chance. I have to deny to the category B right away, not sure if that is to my advantage. But I have to be honest. I’m not your biggest fam. I just don’t have it in me to be head-over-heels fan of another human being. I have of course listened to many of your songs, and the record I love the most is “Born in The USA”. That is also the only one I have… I bought it on iTunes, and it is just recently I bought it. I have never seen you live in concert, I have never owned a poster with you on it. I have never read books about you, news about you, or seekd information about you… Until recently of course. Still: You are the big mission. Or a part of the big mission. Why? Well, you will get to know that, but not today. It`s night in Oslo. I have a big-city-weekend and a timeout with my husband. He is by the way patient with his wife, sitting in front of her laptop and tries to ingratiate with another man… He has the company of some angry birds on his iPhone, so I’ll push “post” and contribute with some wing beats of presence.
See ya!
Posted in Norwegian February 4. 2012
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