To my readers:

To the readers: Start with zero - the letter that led to the blogging. It will tell you, in a small way.. why the heck. THEN read this blog number by number. This will show you everything... in the big way. Please do not look for grammarfailures or other mistakes in language. Look for the big picture. Its all about what we can achive if we pull the strings together. Its a little world:) Pass this blog forward - if you are a believer. Maybe one day this huge letter really reaches The boss. Mayby one day - really big dreams... come true. Just make it..Happen!

mandag 27. februar 2012

5 .Daddy cool

Wow Bruce!  What a day!!!  Our project is just like a magnet to the youth – and this afternoon, we had the first meeting with “Breivoll Experience 2012”.  We have tripled the Experience-gang, and work is being laid out and distributed.  Full house at the Clubhouse by Nordbybanen – a sporting area, also the place for my soccer career, where I was known as “Ms. Drible-herself”.  I was eager with the ball, you have to give me that.  Arms and legs, all over, making the opponent dizzy from toes up, and that was that.  You have to play with what you’ve got – then victori is within reach.  That’s the way it is with the “Experience” also. The sum of all the youths talent and abilities  and their courage to show the way.  Last but not least the sum of power to believe in things to happen, everything is possible – Bruce Springsteen also.  That is what will get us there, in the end.  If we stumble across the finishing line, dosen’t matter – the important part is to participate and to complete. Just ask Northug (Norwegian Skier, look him up). If you reach the goal, you have completed the task… I believe that Mr. Northug does not quite agree with me on that, but if you ask ME: You necessarily doesn’t have to be the first one over the finishing line to be a victor. My god, think if THAT was the purpose of it all? Run like hell and get it over done with in no time. “Allo! Allo St. Peter! Did I do allright?!?” “Yes, my dear, no life – but in bloody good time”.
The Experience-group landed some rules, forming the climate of the group.  We agreed on some things, important to make this work.  One of the most important things we agreed upon was RESPECT.  Meaning that we should respect each other.  Saying that – in wide terms, one can pick from the top shelf: But for our part it is about safety, care and recognition. Everyone means something, everyone has the right to be heard.  Everybode works together on the same premises. Everybody has equal opportunities.  Everyone, needs everyone – to reach the finishing line. Therefore no shit, no denigration. You build… And make those around you strong. We did the wave, and the first stone is in the ground.
So, back to the eighties (Got to work with the translations… I’ll get there). Summer of ’82. Me and my brother, down at the pier at Nesset. We loved that pier – boats everywhere, in all sizes and all shapes – the pier almost went for miles out into the ocean, all filled with boats. We raced til the end of the pier, waves gently touching the pier from underneath. To walk was just not possible. “That one’s mine” We screamed, pointing at our favorite boats. “No, that one”. The boats were rocking gently, looking at us with their sleepy faces as we ran past. One boat, more white than the other, chrome that sang into the sun. Decks in polished hardwood.  We constantly changed our minds about what boats was our favorite. In our fantasy, WE were the one hoisting the anchor, taking the boats smotthely out on the sea, freeing them from the soft embrace of the pier.  WE were the ones sitting in white leather seats, drinking Coke from high glasses while the wind gently touched our necks. WE dived from the platform, and were hanging gently from the ladder, with pearly water glittering on our backs.  The fact that we didn’t even was close to having a small dinghy, just made the dreams stronger.  Even more real. The boats were ours. King and queen of the harbor. When we were tired from racing and running, we sat down on the pier – just where it connects to mother earth.  Sitting there, the legs in the water dangling, we fished for crabs – while watching our own mirrored images from the calm sea. Then we headed back home, with a basin between us containing today’s catch, we arranged crab-races on the lawn.  The crabs literally ran for their lives when we emptied the basin. In all directions.  Several weeks later our property was surrounded by the stench of dead, sun hot crabs… Mom and dad were freaking out from the smell – but me and my brother did not say anything about what we had done.  I felt bad for this many years after… What were we thinking? I have not harmed an animal since. Well, except from a wasp now and then, and maybe some spiders.  But that’s something else.  Insects are not protected the same way.
The summers lasted forever at that time. Forever, slowly and filled with laughter, making jam, lemonade and my dad’s poker nights.  Everybody was welcomed in our house.  My mom and dad’s friends were colorful, who loved me and my little brother like their own kids.  We were so lucky, surrounded by love. Sometimes me and my brother were allowed to join the grown ups card game. Dimes and cents were like small mountains on the dinner table.  The smog from cigarettes filled the room from floor to ceiling.  Remember, this was the 80’s - long before someone talked about passive smoking, and the health risk as a cause of that. Glad I didn’t know about that… I would probably be wearing a gasmask to avoid the consequences.  Smoking were as natural as sun and rain to me, at the time – I even breathed the mood into my lungs with deep breaths… And let my heart grow because I was happy to be allowed to the grownups community.  The eyes around the table were warm, the hair jagged and a beer or two were consumed.  A nice feeling of safety surrounded us.
Pekka, one of my dads friends from his youth years was one of our favorites.  He was a red-haired, fast-talking, with large necklaces in gold and tattoos. A more happy man, you would have to search worldwide for. He was full of stories from their wild youth years, and especially I loved the story where he and my dad were cruising down “Karl Johans Gate” (Parade street of Oslo) in a Mini Morris. This was the late 60’s.  With the pedal to the metal they flew down the street, folding like a black necktie from the Kings castle in the vest, to the central station east. They were young rebels, and flying like the city-seagulls, with the tank filled with pranks and laughter.  Just around Oslo Cathedral, the car was slammed to the ground, the suspension were not good enough to cope with the speed.  The car screamed, and was split into two parts – like god had splitted it with an axe, just by the gear shifter.  I will never forget the pictures Pekka painted for me by telling this.  Pekka and daddy, split by heaven.  They tipped, sitting in each their leather seat.  Pekka to the left, my dad to the right.  Screaming of laughter, they got out of each half of the car – patted each others  back while they took a look at the car.  “Shit” said Pekka. “I had just washed the car”.
Later, it turned out that Pekka was alone in the car, and daddy… He was long gone… But the rest is true. Either way, I will let the canvas stay like it is, with my dad in the story.  For me, daddy will always be sitting next to Pekka flying in each their half of a red Mini Morris over the Kings curled necktie. And me… I’m going flying… To the land of dreams, with every possibility that gives.  I’ll be back sometime tomorrow morning.  My life motto, after Alice’s dad. Remember: 6 impossibilities before breakfast. I usually get 5 of them done during the night... The last one? I will use the rest of the day for that one. Even I have my limitations.

‘nite Bruce

Posted in Norwegian February 9. 2012

4. Dead or alive

It’s time.  I’m hesitating a bit. With the door ajar and my heart in my hand. I’m stepping in to the point of nu return.  I cannot undo this.  There is probably a hundred ways to approach you, the only one I know… is this one. I believe in the core.  I believe in giving something from the heart, a piece of me. This makes me vulnerable , but trough that I can achieve strength.  One cannot just THINK that it is that way. One have to LIVE by the principles you believe in – if not: What’s the point?  To create, one has to act. Passiveness has never laid down a single brick to the foundations of the world. So, we go:
I grew up in a small place called Nordby. A small parish a couple of miles outside Oslo.  Today there is about 5000 inhabitants here. Then, a lot fewer.  The last 25 years a lot of changes has come to this small place, but the character and the culture is intact.  We have great fields, deep forests, and a rich history dating back to the stone age. We have hills with no endings, fjords with polished rocks that makes the very soul come to ease, and provides calmness on a hot summer day.  And we got THE Oak.  The beautiful majestic Nordby-oak with a crown diameter of 30 meters!!!  It has settled with deep roots on the roof of this small place, and ut is a landmark.  I don’t know how old it is, but it is most certainly old. Did you know that the oak was known as Thor’s (God of thunder & lightning) three?  Me neither, but that is just things that comes up when browsing and searching the internet.  Not the most important of knowledge, but still a fun fact.  Come to think of it, it isn’t that strange that Thor + Oak = true, since the lightning always has had a special love for oak trees.  Not the place to stay on a scary rainy afternoon.  But other ways: One can never visit the oak to seldom.
The house I was living in was placed, not beautifully, clammy rendering to the European Higway-6. Så close to it, that when the snow shoveled trucks passed by during winter, glass often shattered due to a shower of ice and gravel.  The facade of the house became grey from the exhaust, daily gluing itself layer on layer with the remains of the combusting engine. We tried to paint the house brown after a few years, but it did not help. The exhaust-coat was still hanging there.  But it was a great place to grow up.  Actually we didn’t pay much attention to the traffic pounding outside our walls 24/7.  This was our Eldorado. Mommy, daddy, little brother and mine. The highway was just a trivial thing compared to the other side of our house.  After living my first years in a skyscraper in Oslo (Hold your horses, a skyscraper in Norway is not exactly what you call a skyscraper), this was like coming to Alice’s Wonderland.  Oh, joy!!! Two thousand square meters of garden – enormous, filled with up and abouts, bushes with blackcurrants and trees with rope-swings.  And the best of all a huge creek by the end of the property. Pounding with life from small fish and eels. A field of reed was located by our property – and we made huge rooms by stamping around.  We made ballrooms out in that field.  And not a single soul could see the parties we had behind the yellow swaying walls. My brother and I. During summer, we lied flat on the ground by the creek, flies summing around us, and we caught sticklebacks in numbers.  During winter, we skated on the ice by the garage.
I was quite happy as a child. Curious about life, observant, happy and active.  But I carried a big secret. I was constantly afraid of dying. Might seem like a contradiction, loving life, being happy and at the same time being afraid of death, I know. I don’t know why it was like this – it doesn’t make me a category A, just to have that being said.  It is just one of the truth about me and my life, together with many other truths at that time. I think I am born this way.  Most people looked at me as a secure, strong willed and unafraid girl.  But people often don’t se what’s below the surface – they are too busy noticing.
Life comes in every shade, and I believe that you are a man that understands just that. It is a part of me, but it did not stop me or handicap me, until I reached a certain age.  For the time being, I don’t go up in airplanes or drive boats – but working on that.  Even to eat can be dangerous.  It nearly killed me two times.  First time it happened, I was around 9 years old.  I came over a news article about a man suffocated by a piece of meat at a restaurant – well, that made it. That article was the direct cause to me being frantic when a piece of chocolate got stuck in my throat. I was sure that my time had come, that I was going to die. I bought the chocolate for a fistful of change in a small kiosk at Nesset – A small red building, by the pier at the end of the Bunne-fjord. I worked there some years later, but I didn’t know that when I was nearly killed by a almond chocolate.  It was like a ticking bomb some abstract place below the ears – and my only thoughts was: This is it. This is as far as I go, no further.  At the same time, I ran as quickly as my feet could possibly make along the pathway – heading to our house 500 meters away.  Never has a dying child reached this kind of speed alongside the European Highway #6.   My mom was kind of terrified when I came running in, and water eyed proclaimed I was to draw my last breath.  At the end she said “Ok…” “But you’re still breathing”. And that I did.  I didn’t die that day – and neither did I die 20 years later when I managed to stuck a taco shell in my throat.  I drove, just as hysteric as I was running, to the ER in Oslo. I was waiting 3 hours for someone to take the piece of shell out of my throat, while watching limping, bleeding and drunk people who also needed medical care.  Everyone was put before me in the queue.  “HELLO!!!” I screamed, “Nobody noticing that I am dying?”. But no, please sit down and wait.  They told me to drink water, to soften the shell. Hola Mexico. What has become of this world? I drank water ‘til my eyes got wet, but the shell itself was stuck, and the edges of the dangerous piece of tacoshell was digging into me, like large voracious tentacles.  “It just FEELS like it is still there” said the lady, dressed in white.  I just had to pack up, and leave. Both me and the taco. Beware of your ability to swallow things.  Not everyone knows how lethal it is.  I was spared, but next time, maybe I won’t be as lucky…
Yep, I eat fast.  And I work slow.  Again, it is late night and tomorrow we are throwing the last high school meeting. I better get some sleep, so I can be fit for fight. Cross your fingers Bruce.  And sleep tight.  Tomorrow there isn’t going to be much death – but then again more… of life and happiness.
Posted in Norwegian February 5. 2012

3. Faith

Yesterday, you should have been a fly on the wall, Bruce.  In the auditorium of Nordby High School.  You would have performed a backflip, at least a wings-up.  We spoke in front of all the talented youth of Nordby about “Breivoll Experience”, every seat was taken.  And youths that were presenting the project was just AMAZINGLY good.  Just to see them standing there, talking about the long and winding road with that youthful pride… That touched me, deeply.
The youth that were with us last Easter, to start this project, did not receive much credit by their fellow classmates.  The fact is that the wind blew against them, from all directions – but they did not quit.  That takes some guts, I’ll tell you that.  This year is going to be different.  First of all we will make sure that everyone that want to be a part of this can participate.  Last year only a handful were given the chance.  That might be the reason that so many turned their back against them.  Second, we will try to tell the story, so everybody knows what this is about.  It’s kind of easier when having something to show for. Last year it was a vision of what this could become.  Now it has turned into a panting with clear vibrant colors that everyone can relate to.
That was why we visited the high school, to give them that painting.  But just not only the painting, we wanted to give them THE FEEL of how it was to paint it.  Because it is THAT feel that drives this project ahead. The feeling of NOT quitting, even though everybody tells you what you’re doing is stupid.  The feeling of making a difference, makes you strong, and make your legs keep walking – up the steepest hills.  The feeling.  From the very bottom of your soul, that gives you a guiding light, and air beneath your wings. I think we made it.  With 30 new youths signing up for the project, to build, create and develop “Breivoll Experience 2012”. 30 new youths saying that they want to make this happen.  As of now, we are 40 youths aged 13-17 is with the project.  And on Monday we can get even more, as we missed 80 of the pupils in yesterday’s meeting.
But that is now, I promised you then.  Still I believe that it is good that you get a glimpse of today, even though the past is what we do, here.  Professional writers make this happen easily, the switch between now and then, without the reader thinking about it to much.  But I am no writer.  And not a professional. So you will have to do with what I give you.  God knows if you are interested at all, but I will not let me thinks such thoughts at all. Before I open the door, and let you into my childhood, I want to point out that it is important that you get to know me.  From scratch.  Probably you will get to know me, more than I will ever know you.  But I have concluded the deal already, so that’s fine with me.
So, for me not to be a completely stranger from the other side of planet earth, I will let you in. Not in a weird way, it will get personal, but not to private. Is it possible to be personal but not private? The core of myself is essential either way, the question is how much core?  People in this world is good at appearance and “outside finish”, so to show strangers a little bit of inside-substance is not what we do every day – but maybe society had been a more generous place if we showed each other who we really are?  Ok, enough digression for you – but I feel it is important to tell you why I am giving you some of my story.  It is actually necessary to do this, to make you understand so that you will not reject this as a wild and impulsive idea. Wild maybe, I’ll give you that, but this has been thought thru, because you have been on the way here for a long, long time.  Most of all I’m afraid that you will categorize me, and put me in one of the following three categories:
A: She’s just a nutcase. (There is some of those around, so I don’t blame you).
B: She’s a wannabe-groupie-superfan with no inhibitions. (Like so many other wannabe-groupie-superfans with no inhibitions).
C: A combination of the two above. (I must admit, that that would not be really flattering).
In your eyes, I can probably be an A, B or C anyway (God forbid)… I have my money on the D alternative, and if we can get there, I’ll have a chance.   I have to deny to the category B right away, not sure if that is to my advantage.  But I have to be honest.  I’m not your biggest fam.  I just don’t have it in me to be head-over-heels fan of another human being.  I have of course listened to many of your songs, and the record I love the most is “Born in The USA”.  That is also the only one I have… I bought it on iTunes, and it is just recently I bought it.  I have never seen you live in concert, I have never owned a poster with you on it.  I have never read books about you, news about you, or seekd information about you… Until recently of course.  Still: You are the big mission. Or a part of the big mission.  Why? Well, you will get to know that, but not today.  It`s night in Oslo.  I have a big-city-weekend and a timeout with my husband. He is by the way patient with his wife, sitting in front of her laptop and tries to ingratiate with another man…  He has the company of some angry birds on his iPhone, so I’ll push “post” and contribute with some wing beats of presence.
See ya!
Posted in Norwegian February 4. 2012

2.Turn back time

I promised you the beginning, and you will get that.  But before we go there, we have to take a pitstop in Prinsdal (Suburb of Oslo), the year is 2000.  That’s when you for real came into my mind.  As you soon will figure out, my biggest strength is not chronology.  BUT, im just the best when it comes to go round and about.  I guess it’s supposed to be this way, or else my cells would have been assembled in another way.  I will try to keep the faith to chronology, but count on some detours – this is the first.
Prinsdal.  I lived in a worn down house, a “two family home” type of house – faced to the wrong side, as far as the sun goes. Constantly in the shadows even in the middle of the day.  Our properties best assets were two old apple trees that quarreled about space, about as big as a dime – on a lawn full of moss.  They produces delicious august-fruits on branches twirling together in orderly chaos.  It was just made to climb in, those trees.  Just staying up there. Dreaming.  The worst asset to the property was our garage.  In it’s own rotten nonchalant way, it leaned towards the house, as if to manage to stay up.  Having one hour of sun up by the roof, I used to hang my washed clothes way up there during the summer.  They dried quickly during that hour.  And dressed in clothes that smelled like the sun, the shadows were easier to bear.  It wasn’t great.  But it was home.
In the year 2000 I had extended my maternity leave with my son number two. On year extra to be with the greatest miracles on earth – my children.  The days went by slowly in the small valley of Prinsdalen, and there was time to think of the big things in life. I didn’t spend much of my time doing that.  One day, while stuffing myself with waffles on the Thursday-meetings for those staying home, in Prinsdalen church – all of the sudden I saw myself from the outside.  Sounds like a postcard… In church, eating waffles. A pleasant sight.  Not too bad for  a woman not attending church to often.  Surrounded by other mothers. Being social.  But it wasn’t about the instant image.  It was the whole picture – where was i?  Where did Rikke Soligard go?
The woman eating waffles in the church had changed drastically, from being the girl who bounced around in Nordby (the small place I’m from) in the 80’s.  Thinking she was to be someone. SHE was the one who should push the world.  As soon as she just grew up.  The woman, eating waffles, didn’t push anything else than baby carriages, shopping carts, lawn movers and quarreling closet doors, that liked to stay open, no matter how many times I closed them.   The little time I had spare after changing diapers and spending time with my family was used on anything else than pushing the world in the right direction.
I read those glossy, pink magazines for woman.  I loved the interior magazines, with their shiny interior dream homes (free from rotten garages, dust and dirty dishes) I let myself hunger for everything I did not have. And most proably would never get.  I used hours on early hour soap-trash-TV, totally missing both purpose and soul. And on Thursdays, attending church coffe, I discussed things that did not matter. I am not against TV-entertainment or smalltalk.  Sometimes it is pleasant to relax, log out, with activities that does not require the brains full attention.  By the way, smalltalk can be used as to build relations with new people.  But the ability to smalltalk is not my finest asset.  Everybody that knows me knows that: Rikke. Sucks. At. Smalltalk.  It’s ok for you to know that, in case we meet.  Bigtalk on the other hand, that’s one of my talents, but I didn’t know that back then.
So there I am, on the churchbench (eating waffles) and the hordes of not-interresting-at-all words, and between to pieces of waffles I suddenly realize: Either, I did not grow up. Or I grew up to fast.   
Where was that stubborned girl with a master plan? What did become of the drams? The big visions on life itself? I know you probably don’t have the answers to my questions.  Not to sure I have them myself.  What I know is that much of what is lost, can be found again.  If you wanted.  And i: WANTED.  The strange part is that as soon as the thoughts formed in my brain, I could feel that girls heartbeats over my own heartbeats.  All of the sudden, on the inside, the girl was there, with a plan.
The problem was that the plan was not to ready for me, to begin with. It took years before I figured it out.  That it would take me on a long journey filled with the possible impossibilities.  The “dept. of enthusiasm”, pink dinosaurs and “The Dream Bank”… I didn’t know what was to come… Well, you don’t, either.
To make you understand how you are a part of this, I will have to take you back to the stubborn angry girl, the way she was before she was forgotten. But, that will have to be tomorrow.  It late night, and the “Big Dipper” has parked on my roof.  I’m thinking to climb aboard it… is a good idea.
Good night Bruce. Talk to you tomorrow.
Posted in Norwegian February 2. 2012

1. Return to sender

Ok, Bruce. I’m about to take this one step further.  The letter I sent you “over there” was returned to sender.  The US Postal Services is probably not committed the same way our Norwegian Postal Service is.  Here you can write “To Santa”, nothing more, and the heart and souls of the employees is put into delivering that letter to Santa… The letter is most likely to end up in Drobak (Small Norwegian coastal Town who houses Santa during the cold winter months).  The address on your letter was in best case inadequate, so you might say I drew to early.   But it was worth a try! After all, I put it in the mailbox on Christmas eve.  Since I in a way anticipated this, I also mailed the same letter to your record company Sony Music here in Norway and... to the “concert fixers” in Live Nation, also in Norway.   Not a word from neither of them either… Just as I thought, but not as I hoped.
So, maybe I got to use my outdoor voice then?  Well, I came up with the bright idea to blog about it.  As you don’t know, but would have known, if you had read my first letter… The history behind me wanting you to come here is loooong.  Int the letter (that you haven`t read) I promised you the whole story - if you made a deal with me.  But since landing a deal with you is, as of now, far fetched – I will have to give you the story up front.  Then we can land the deal. 
I’m not sure if a blog will work as a “letter”, I have very little experience in the blogging-world, I’m a super-beginner.  Blogging for me is interior design, fashion and tips and tricks about staying thin, becoming fit,  wrinkle-free, and happy in a shining home.  Many people may think there is where happiness lies.  I am probably in the other end of the scale.  But that’s good for balance, right? Time will show if this is the right approach.  A challenge is born. The blog has to be read from start to finish, to make it make sense.  After all, this is a very long letter from start ‘til end. I will try to figure out a way that works for you.  I don’t wan’t you to stop reading.
The best way is to start with the beginning, and then take it from there. Then I will give you more of the story a couple of times a week.  Is that ok?  Too much?  Too little?  Let’s just put it this way: It is what is is.

Then I just have to say: Dear Mr. Springsteen!  You are so very welcome enter the big letter J

Best regards from Rikke.
Posted in Norwegian February 1. 2012

0. The very first letter. The beginning before the blogging!

Dear Mr. Springsteen!

(This letter was only written in Norwegian for a very long time. I now finally got some help to translate it.  I`m pretty good writing in Norwegian – I can play with words and find poetic turns that speaks to people… but all this just runs away when I start typing on another language. I put my belief in that some Norwegians would bring the letter to you anyway. I`m no longer so sure they will. So, I needed to find other ways… in the right language. It may still be lots of wrongs, but please!! Pay no attention. Look after all the things that are right instead. Anm Rikke 27. February 2012)

After 10 years I have finally managed to finish my letter to you. And in the nick of time, suddenly you're on your way… in our direction! I have realized that no stamps in the world can bring the letter up to you, so a while ago (4-5 years) I allied myself with a guy in LiveNation here in Norway. Or at least I think I did. Time will tell – but if he`s a guy who keeps his promises this letter will reach you in no time. If not. … I have a back-up plan.

It may seem unbelievable that it would take so long to get these words down on a piece of paper, but this letter is not an ordinary letter. At least not for me. It is a life-project, it’s a strong hope, and it is a huge dream that runs along with the possibilities of life.  It`s about all the big things formulated so that it can fit in to all that`s small. It's about life's amazing possibilities and all the colors we choose to paint our world in -  but most of all it's about getting you ... of all people, to understand what we are trying to accomlish. The reason is – that if you do understand– everyone else will… And act accordingly.

This is part of the story: I have (for many years I`m afraid) announced that it`s quite possible that you and your guitar will show up in our small country town called Nordby in Norway (just 20 min outside the capital Oslo) ... sometime before the sun that`s way  up there, sets for the last time ever. Preferably by 2013, if I can get to choose - but I guess …I can`t.  Anyway: It's time to make a deal. Maybe you find it problematic that I already have flagged your arrival, not so strange, seen from the outside. But!!! I think it will stand the test anyway:)  You see – I don’t believe that you always have to start from scratch to reach big goals. Sometimes you simply have to start at a different direction… for example from the goal itself. And then… work the way backwards.  I really do think that nothing can be better for an end - than a new beginning.

I have over the years tried to make my way to you like everyone else does it. By walking forward -  so, do not believe I've been lazy (Thinking of 10 years) It just did not work for me.  A proof of that is that we never had contact ... at all. So, having butted heads in the wall and spun around like a wasp on flat ground, I found a downhill in 2010 that gave the possible- impossibilities- mind , air and new energy. We opened a Bank for dreams in my country town (That’s a fact!!), and I immediately created an account for life's great potential impossibilities - namely you. I truly hoped, that my deposit would one day pay off. After a short time, a gang of youths asked for withdrawals from the account of impossibilities (or the Springsteen-account if that’s what you want to call it) and ... voila!!!  The youth-project Breivoll Experience - the dream of Springsteen was born. This fine young people (Between 13-17 years) have now been commissioned to organize annual concerts here in Nordby. But ... it's about so much more than being concert fixers. The youth in this project wants to make a difference. They want to contribute to build and draw colors in their own  community, and by doing that they are involved in developing their own childhood environment. They build arenas for the whole community to come together, to have fun, to experience something across ages, beliefs and religion. They learn to believe in themselves, their abilities and talents, and last but not least, their dreams. Their slogan is: Make it happen! The truly believe by heart that everything is possible (even you!) Not so many others do.

Breivoll Experience 2011 - Fotograf: Sederholm

We held our first concert in September 2011. Without you, but we brought with us some fabulous stand-ins. We needed to practice, and we now think we are ready. Our stand-in band is called Funkytown, and they will play until the day you finally arrive and sing the songs of life into all the people who have stopped dreaming. We carry the hope that it will be soon. You see a while ago, way back in 2011 we heard that you were going out for at tour – and that Norway was a stopover on the way ... we thought damn either! If there was a time in this life to ask you - it had  to be now. It would be madness …not to! So we ask you Mr.Springsteen:
 Would you like to come to Breivoll recreational area in the Contry town Nordby July 22. and play a few songs for us on your guitar? We do not need a big concert, you know, actually preferably not. You see we think that could be to much to manage. And after all - you are a buissy man. We have already booked the stage (because we believe!) and in January the Experience –team will start working (this year 40 young people. Three times more than last year!!) We will book several local artists, because we can`t base all on you. It would have been a bit silly since we do not really know when you ever will be here. It could happen between here …and all eternity. We prepare a one-day festival, with many stage performances and activities From early morning to late evening. The happening is for the whole family. No alcohol or drugs involved. (I guess you figured that one out your self – but just in case) We'll probably do just fine even if you do not come. But should you decide to come, it`s at thing you need to know:  We really do not want to know. If you get here. Please let it be a secret. That might seem very strange, but we think it`s easier to deal with. Everybody out there in our community knows that we are working to get you here, but very few truly believe in us anyway. If you show up-  all those present who believe. In us. And in life's great opportunities – get their reward. And all the others - a really nice wake-up call.

July 22. 2012 is a very special date for Norway – it`s a year since the terror. We have discussed in the group if this is a difficult date for us, but the kids in the Experience team speech clearly:  They want to fill the day with something really good, and they can`t imagine anything better than to give their community the best surprise ever. They are so sure that this will prove that all people have the opportunity to create something that gives happy repercussions far into the future. They think that your impossible arrival will result in light and hope, and highlight the individual's limitless opportunities to do good. So people realize that dreams really come true as long as one dares to believe strength in it, and find the courage to act.

To sum it up: This whole project is really about a great big WE, a togetherness we all are a part in, which each and every one of us imprint with the abilities skills, dreams and possibilities lurking about. The unique coloring each of us contribute to the big picture. It is when we do something together anything is possible. When many people by heart give a little, be it time, effort or ideas – it is when we acknomledge that and act accordingly we in fact can make huge change. We think a lot of people have forgot that. We want to show them, by giving them ... you.

So why you? And how on earth can a concert with Bruce Springsteen in a small village in Norway contribute to make the world to be a better place? (I`m not really a big Bruce Springsteen fan either. I really wish I was - maybe you doen`t want to listen since I am not. Its a chance I have to take. But i Promise: My reason is bigger than that.) Well - the answear to all this is actually a fairly long story. What you've got here is just the top of the mountain. It`s intended for busy types who do not have time to read long letters from strange ladies. I promise you the rest of the story when we have a deal. It`s a pretty good one, at least I think so. (That last sentence was in the Norwegian letter, but since there where no answer I started this blog. There you will find the whole story. Maybe you need the big picture before you make up your mind about making a big deal)

Now that I'm here at the end of my long road to the big question: Will you?  It`s in fact time for the small beginnings (the blog). I have the whole journey to the goal clear to me. My big challenge is to land with a bang ... where you are. Dear Mr. Springsteen. Just make it happen!

Yours sincerely Rikke Soligard

Ps: Watch out for various attachments! (Letter from the young people, photos, and our song about you! The people in Nordby sings this when we get together)

Sophies letter:
Hey Bruce!

I'm in something that we call Breivoll Experience, - "Dream of Springsteen" Make it happen! We have a dream of getting you to the beautiful village of ours! It is an event for the whole family, where there are concerts and activities to do, and you having a good time with family and friends of all ages. We live in a small place in Norway, just outside Oslo, and we want to get something to happen in the little village of ours. For me Breivoll Experience a wonderful opportunity to engage people in the music and make it possible to enjoy with others. For me, music means a lot, I rarely go a day without listening to music and the music always makes my day better. I believe that music can change people's days and life. I and the others in Breivoll Experience Team welcomes you to us! It will give us all a good memory for life, a memory we always going to remember.

Best regards Sophie, 14 years

Mariells letter:
Hi Bruce!
It would be a great honor, and really huge for all of us if you, a world-famous star, would visit our event Breivoll Experience, July 22. 2012.
A year ago, 22 July 2011, something terrible happened that affected the whole of Norway. A terrorist attacked and killed 77 young people at Utøya, including a girl from our neighborhood. Our idea is then to try to make this day a little better.

We who are from the Breivoll Experience team wants to change our village. It`s only two leisure clubs here, and one of them is in danger of being closed down. It's really very little to do for young people in general here.  That can lead to more minors begin to experiment with alcohol, possibly drugs, etc. With Breivoll Experience we want to make a difference.

Our group leader, Rikke, said: "There are too many of us walking through life without even try to do something good for this world". It can`t be more correct than that! For it is true. Too many people are wasting their life doing nothing. That's what's so great to be in the Breivoll Experience team-  you get the chance to make a difference to the community, and  maybe even inspire others!

We had our first concert on September 17.last year, and it went incredibly well! The road to the concert was not just a bed of roses, for it was much to be done, and this required a lot of time. But who said it would be easy? We did it, we learned a lot about cooperation and unity, and we had a great time! That's what counts. Both our families, friends of our families, and the media got involved, and that has been a great help! Without them it might not been any concert.

I remember the day I was taken out of class by a teacher. He told me that it had something to do with a concert. After school, the same day if I remember correctly, I was told to meet in the auditorium with several others. None of us knew what we were doing there, or why we were picked out. We were only told that it had something to do a concert. I really thought that we should help someone who would hold a concert at our school, or that we should create / participate in a concert to a school closure.

Eventually, two adults entered the room and they changed our vision: "You must dare to dream and dare to stretch beyond.  The impossible can become possible,” It turned out to be true, because we truly got our consert!  I can compare it with the fact that I was born too early. I was born in 1995 in week 23, in those days babies born that early really had no hope of survival. Norway had not so much equipment then, as we have now. It was not normal that they were trying to save babies who were born in week 23. But they did!! And it went well with me. The doctors did not think I would learn to walk, or eat by myselff. They believed that it was impossible, but I learned them –that it was not.

The Breivoll Experience team has often been told of our classmates that we will never manage to get Bruce Springsteen to Nordby for our event. They say i`s impossible. But this does not prevent us from trying. If you don’t show up – at least we tried. But ….if you show up – it will give us a great experience that we will never forget. A memory for life.

The impossible can become possible!

Regards Mariell, 16 years.

Oyvins letter:
Hey Bruce!

Breivoll Experience is for me about accomplish something, and to gather community here at Nordby to do something together. It`s also about to prove that no dream is too big for us to manage and , if we truly believe in ourselves….and if we pull the right handles to get it to work.

We have a dream that one day we'll get you here to Breivoll Experience along with guitar. The project is about more than that for me, it`s about young people beeing able to accomplish something big! If we one day get you, The Boss to enter our stage, we have proven that we can turn heads and blown away all doubts!

In the meantime… it's about making the best out of this. I am convinced that if everyone puts heart and soul in a dream, they will get it fulfilled a very good day. We did Breivoll Experience last year, and it was absolutely terrific. It would be great and maintain this concert so it could become a tradition, if not a day, a great big festival. Made by the youth – for all the people in our village.

Regards Oyvin, 16 years

Our song- called The roof of our Village.
One of the verses is in English, and this is it:
There will come a day
when a man comes along
He brings his guitar and he will sing his song
to the people of Nordby he will stand strong
Mr. Springsteen`s the name
and he`ll meet us at home
And I know and you know
that magic is near
when those who believe
find their dreams flying there
in the steps we are taking
in the walls that we climb
in the songs of the people
that colors the sky

The rest of the song is about a young boy dreaming about setting colors in his community, and that no on should ever take away his dreams. No matter what they say - hang on. He`s got the greates gift in life - the belief that he can make a difference.